Friday, February 1, 2019


I often wonder what life would be in the "after life".

For Catholics like me, we believe in life after death. We believe that souls go to either Heaven or Hell (after being purified in Purgatory) depending on the gravity of the sins they committed while on earth. The ultimate judge is God the Father himself who will make the revelation to mankind on Judgment Day.

All of us have the so-called Book of Life, wherein all our deeds are recorded. In my grade school days, we were told that the caretaker of this book is St.Peter, who keeps track of all the things we do, good or bad. He also holds the key to Heaven.

I imagine God the Father as being very serious and unrelenting in the exercise of his authority. ( For this write-up, I would be referring to The Father as God, and to The Son as Jesus to avoid any confusion )

If I compare The Father with The Son, I should say Jesus is not as strict as His Father, or should I say more understanding and easier to approach. After all He is our best friend and had experienced what it's like to be man. He acts as our mediator and intercessor, but of course His Father has the last say on our fate.

I have a lot of questions for God (don't we all) and I hope I will be given the chance to ask Him if I will be blessed to come face to face with Him someday.

Questions like; why do people have to suffer, why does evil exist, why is it that when calamity strikes, it is always the poor who get affected, why do you allow some people to malign you, etc. I would also ask Him how would our souls look like after we had made the cross-over. Do we look like our age at the time of our death? Do souls continue to age in the next life? What if my mom died in her 40s and I die at 60, will she recognize me? So intriguing isn't it?

I could probably go on and on with the questions that had built up in my mind all this time. God would probably have to remind me that a lot of souls are in line after me and I'm taking too much of his precious time with my questions.

Someday, we will have all the answers to our questions. We will be enlightened on why a "blessing in disguise" happened to us. We will finally know the elusive reason behind "everything happens for a reason", etc.

Yes Someday........