Thursday, December 16, 2010


With the recent acquittal of Hubert Webb et al, a lot of dissenting opinions had been heard. There are those who agree with the Supreme Court's decision, while others do not.

I have no way of knowing if indeed they are really innocent, but I guess my opinion will not really matter. I am not a lawyer so I am not familiar on how they go about evaluating and resolving heinous crimes. I am just on the outside looking in, so to speak.

But if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that everything happens for a reason. Maybe they are really innocent that is why God allowed the Court to rule in their favor. But then again, maybe they are not. At this point, no one really knows if Webb, et al did commit the crime or otherwise. Maybe the Supreme Court followed the dictum, to which I agree, that it is better to set free a criminal than to sentence an innocent man to death.

As I was watching the proceedings on television the other day, I could not help but feel compassion for Mr. Lauro Vizconde as I saw him break down in tears and nearly collapsed. We saw how the families of the seven acquitted prisoners rejoiced, while Mr. Vizconde almost fainted when he heard the verdict. I know how hard it must have been for him. It even came to a point when he asked God why He had forsaken him. It must have been too much for him to bear because in his heart, he probably knew that they were guilty. But how can a powerless man go up against the rich and mighty? He asked forgiveness from his wife and daughters for not being able to fight for them and give justive to their death. But pray tell me, how can you fight City Hall?

While these guys will undoubtedly be having a great Christmas with their families after 15 years, Mr. Vizconde will be spending Christmas alone in misery. He had been spending Christmas in grief for the past 15 years, but this year will be the saddest. While in the past years he still had hope that the case will be solved and justice will be accorded his family, this year he no longer has something to look forward to.

But don't worry Mr. Vizconde, the guilty will have their day in court. If not in this lifetime definitely in the next, where there will be no need for witnesses for nothing escapes the eyes of God. Justice will prevail and victory will still be yours in the end.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is there a way to contact Mr. Vizconde directly? He needs big help from Govt/Friends/Volunteers

    who can help him avail of this:

    Subject everyone (witnesses and suspects) to this test.

    If this fails, nothing will succeed.

    Fee free to disseminate this info to friends/families/acquaintances/media/government/non-

    government agencies, if justice is to be served at the soonest...
